World Soil Day, observed annually on December 5th, highlights the vital role soil plays in sustaining life on Earth. The theme for World Soil Day 2024, “Caring for Soil: Measure, Monitor, Manage,” emphasizes the need for proactive soil health management to support agriculture, climate stability, and biodiversity. Topsoil, the nutrient-rich uppermost layer of soil essential for plant growth, is under severe threat from factors such as erosion, unsustainable farming practices, deforestation, compaction, monsoon runoff, floods, and climate change.

The Awareness Program Series on Topsoil Conservation, aligned with the World Soil Day 2024 theme, is a year-long initiative running through 2025. It aims to educate and engage key stakeholders, including farmers and students, to promote sustainable soil management practices. Farmers directly influence soil health through their practices, while students, as future leaders and innovators, have the potential to drive long-term change through knowledge and advocacy.


Educate students and farmers about the significance of topsoil, the threats it faces, and methods for sustainable conservation.

Promote innovative solutions for soil preservation through community engagement and the demonstration of sustainable agricultural practices.

Program Components

FAO’s Global Soil Doctors Program: Tailored for farmers to provide technical knowledge and practical soil management skills.

APSCC’s Global Young Soil Scientists Program: Designed for students to foster leadership and innovation in soil conservation.

Expected Outcomes

• Enhanced understanding among students and farmers regarding the importance of topsoil conservation.

• Increased adoption of sustainable soil management practices in schools, colleges, and farming communities.

• Broader public awareness about soil health through extended outreach and advocacy campaigns.

Implementation Timeline

December 2024 to December 2025

Partners and Stakeholders

Local Agricultural Departments: For technical expertise and farmer outreach.

Educational Institutions: To engage students and provide venues for activities.

NGOs and Environmental Groups: For advocacy, capacity building, and outreach.

Private Sector Entities: To sponsor events and provide resources for program implementation. Topsoil conservation is a critical environmental priority and a cornerstone for sustainable agriculture and food security. This awareness program series seeks to educate and empower farmers and students, fostering a culture of soil stewardship. Through collaborative efforts and tangible actions, the initiative aims to ensure healthier soils for a more sustainable and resilient future.